Wednesday, July 24, 2019

my speech-video games are god for you

Have you ever heard your mum or dad yell “get off the iPad“ and you're in the middle of a level defeating a boss that took you hours to get to? Well, that has happened to me with many devices and every time I reply with “after this level” but they respond with “NO!” But now after this speech, you can simply say “but video games are good for you”. And they will probably still respond with a big fat “NO” then all you need to do is list all these reasons. Then abracadabra you can finish a level or two. 

Main idea 1:
Did you know that certain video games could improve your eyesight and help with some other visual qualities? Playing video games within limits does not damage the eyes but instead helps improve vision especially in young children.
Video games do more than entertain. A study from the University of Toronto found that people who regularly play action video games have better hand-eye coordination than people who do not play video games.
Come on! You need hand-eye coordination! For example, you need it to be able to use a knife and fork while your eating dinner- If you didn't, your
 dinner will end up all over your face!

Main Idea 2:
Some people worry that playing video games is not good for you because it will make their children antisocial or socially awkward BUT THEY ARE WRONG! The truth is that playing video games can actually help in improving communication and social skills. Team games require a good level of communication.
It has been seen that playing multiplayer games online help in improving teamwork in children. Games such as Fornite and Fifa require very good teamwork and communication between team members. 

Main Idea 3:
Lastly, there is no arguing that video games improve the problem-solving skills of children. Every move and every stage of a game has a problem that needs to be solved. Children learn to find solutions by trying again and again. The ease of restarting the game from the point of failure lets them know that failing isn't bad and that they can try a different solution the next time.
Video games require quick decision making and help children to improve their ability to make quick decisions. Video games don't have to be boring to be educational. Any video game can help in improving the decision-making skills of a child.

Overall I hope iv given you enough information to tell your parents that video games are good for you. Remember to tell them that video games help improve your hand-eye coordination, eyesight, teamwork, communication skills, problem-solving skills and decision-making skills.
How could they say no to that? Now enjoy that extra time.

My brain

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