Sunday, December 1, 2019

Water Filter Experiment

Water Filter Experiment 

Aim/ Purpose - 
To filter or clean water using a number of materials 
How to clean/filter water - making it clean

Materials -
activated charcoal, 
cotton wool, 
plastic bottles cut in half,
bucket of dirty water (can make the water dirty with soil or whatever from outside)

Predictions - What is going to work best?  What steps/process and in what order - why?
Cotton wool at the bottom - It will absorb the smaller dirt particles from the dirty water
2nd layer up - gravel - The gravel will grab onto the dirty parts and the clean water will drip off the gravel through the gaps.
Second Layer Up  - Charcoal - Second smallest material, can absorb the things not cleared by the bigger materials.
Third Layer Up - Sand - Turns hard when it’s wet - Take all the bigger dirt particles 
Top layer - Gravel - All the hugest dirt particles out first.  

First, you put cotton balls at the bottom.
Then you put a sprinkle of activated charcoal.
Next, you put sand.
And finally, you put in some fine gravel.

Explanation - How did it work?
The gravel takes all the large pieces out of the water.
Then the sand takes smaller pieces that have passed the gravel.
The charcoal absorbs tiny particles of dirt and other things
The cotton wool holds all the contents from falling through

Why is it important for cities/towns etc to purify and clean the water before it gets to peoples’ homes?
In New Zealand cities and towns, clean water is pumped straight into our homes. We have systems to monitor how safe our water is for drinking, and to manage where our water goes. It also helps to stop illnesses, algae and bacteria from getting in our body which will cause us to get sick.

1 comment:

  1. Nice way to describe it Max. I really like how you clearly explained the purpose of each substance. Next time try add what could be in the water that could make people sick in your Why is it important for cities/towns etc to purify and clean the water before it gets to peoples’ homes? paragraph.
