Monday, March 18, 2019

My Bush Trip - Setting description

The sweltering heat was beaming down through the crevices of the trees leaves.  It was boiling, so boiling that it felt like the Earth was getting baked. Deep into the bush, birds were chirping and leaves were rustling.  The sound of the stream was getting closer and closer every second. A large slope down a hill was dangerous as it was muddy and slippery. At the bottom of the incline, the transparent river reflected the sun’s rays. The trees were looking down at the forest floor.Birds were swooping from tree to tree faster than the speed of light. The river was flowing and was clear like the water coming out of a tap. The water felt a bit chilly but it was nice to cool down.

Tranquil, stunning and fascinating.  The bush was a place of natural beauty.

By Max

1 comment:

  1. Well done Max I like how you described what you did.
