Wednesday, August 29, 2018

“Ryan get off the xbox now!” mum shouted.
“Fine mum I'll get off” Ryan sighed.
I’m sure your mum or dad has said this to you sometime in your life with whatever you were playing on, either an XBox, Playstation or any other device.  Well, imagine if you could game at school! Your parents can’t tell you to get off what you’re using there, can they? I think that having a gaming room at Halsey Drive School is an outstanding idea.
Main idea 1 and evidence
I am here to convince you that there should be a gaming room at this school. By now you've probably guessed that I love gaming and well,  I’m guessing that most of you guys do to. I mean who doesn't like to game? I did a survey of all the year four classes and overall, out of 62 children, 52 liked to game and only 10 didn’t.  So therefore, an overwhelming amount of children share my love of this activity.

Main idea 2 and evidence
My second reason is that gaming can help you to become more intelligent and talented.  You can learn teamwork from 2-4 player games. There are multiple problem solving games and puzzles which can improve your memory.  There are also games that can improve critical thinking skills. Video games can increase the size of your brain and action games can improve your hand-eye coordination.  Wow! What’s not to like? Sounds great don’t you think?

Main idea 3 and evidence
Lastly, a games room at school would be a great reward and would be an outstanding form of motivation for students.  Most children would do their work so that they could go and play games as an extension activity. Like….. come on! Who wouldn’t because like I said earlier, most of you guys would love to game if you had the opportunity. The children that take a little longer to do their work or do not like to do their work at least have something they can look forward to and the hope that they too will one day achieve the dream to game.

In conclusion, I’m sure I have convinced you that there should be a gaming room at our school.  And you should now agree that it is a fantastic idea to have one. Let's do this!


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