Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Hongi

The Hongi 

What is a hongi? 

A hongi is the pressing of noses, which symbolises the exchange of the breath of life 

When does the hongi happen? 

When the tangata whenua side indicates that the speeches are complete, the manuhiri speakers approach the tangata whenua to hongi 

What to do.

1. Put your right hand together with your visiteur and shake hands firmly with a little squeeze and make shore you look them in the eye for respect.
2. Place your left hand on there shoulder and rest it there softly.
3. Finally lean ford and touch noses but always have eye contact for respect. Let go and pull your head back slowly.

Hongi’s are good because they greet you in an respectful way and so they know you are friends and not foe.

1 comment:

  1. good job you really introduce the hongi to me
